Acido Shikimico
- Can I use Acido Shikimico in combination with Azelaic Active Mask?
- Can I use Acido Shikimico in combination with More Pure?
- Can I use Acido Shikimico in combination with the other serums in The Technologist range?
- Can I use it during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
- Can I use it in summer?
- Can I use products containing salicylic acid and retinoids while using Acido Shikimico?
- Can I use Refresh Your Skin peel while using Acido Shikimico?
- Can I use the Acido Shikimico in combination with Smoothy Gentle Scrub?
- Can I use VeraLab products containing vitamin c while using Acido Shikimico?
- I have pimples and blemishes, which should I choose, #Siero Perfect, Acido Shikimico or Luce Liquida?
- I have seborrhoeic dermatitis, can I use Shikimic Acid serum?
- I have sensitive skin, can I use it?
- Is it only for use on the face?
- Is it suitable for teenagers too?
- What's the difference between Acido Shikimico and #Siero Perfect?
- What's the difference between Acido Shikimico and Luce Liquida?